Home. What does this word mean to you? For me, it is more than a place. It is a feeling of belonging. A feeling that I am safe and at peace inside this place. I have moved many times to three completely different countries and to two very different regions within the United States of America and yet I’ve been able to create this feeling for me and my family in each spot.
So, I ask again, what does home mean to you? Is it the house in which you grew up? Will that place always represent home to you? If it does, do you now want to create a similar feeling where you are currently living?
Here’s another question for you to ponder: what does your childhood home contain that makes it feel this way? My childhood home now belongs to someone else. Years ago, whenever I went back to visit my mother it was the scent of her perfume that brought memories flooding back for me. Also, my mother was there. We would spend time together gardening, playing tennis, and reminiscing. The other thing that made my childhood home so special to me was the familiar furnishings: photos, paintings, and furniture.
When we sold my mother’s house I was able to keep a few of the items that meant something to me. I do mean only a few. I incorporated them into my décor so that I have a little bit of my childhood home mixed in with my furnishings.
Do you want your home to contain a few memories? Would you prefer to create your own memories and leave your childhood home behind?
If you choose to bring some of the furnishings from your childhood home into your current home be selective. Be sure to ask your partner, if you have one, if they agree with your choices. One thing is for sure, you do not want to create additional clutter in your home simply because you want to bring part of the past into your present.
Ask yourself these questions:
1. Does this bring back a special memory?
2. Do I love it?
3. Will this add to the overall atmosphere of my home?
4. Will this fit in?
5. Does it have a purpose?
If you can answer more than one of these questions positively then by all means bring it in.
If you need to create the feelings of safety and peace inside your home take a look around and ask yourself what is bothering you about your home.
1. Are things out of place? If they are, do you have too much of something?
2. Do you know how to put your belongings away? If they are not put away, what is preventing you from doing so?
3. Can you find what you are looking for? If you can’t, think about reorganizing some of your cupboards, drawers, and closets.
4. Do you have to do a major clean up before inviting someone over? This is called CHAOS. The Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome. Work on creating a habit of putting things away when you are finished with them. This will reduce the amount of clutter in your home.
If you need to create order in your home so that it will be your place of refuge take the time to figure out where you want to start. Ask yourself what area is bothering you the most? Think about the way you want it to look. What is your vision for the room or area?
Diane N. Quintana is a Certified Professional Organizer®, Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization®, Master Trainer and owner of DNQ Solutions, LLC based in Atlanta, Georgia. Diane teaches busy people how to become organized and provides them with strategies and solutions for maintaining order in their lives. She specializes in residential and home-office organizing and in working with people affected by ADD, Hoarding, and chronic disorganization.