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Clutter Control Services & Advice

Everyone brings clutter into their home. No one is immune to it. It is what you DO, what action you take, with clutter that either keeps it to a minimum or lets it become overwhelming. At its most basic, clutter is the result of unmade decisions. The trick is to create boundaries and rules to follow. These things (boundaries and rules) help you deal with clutter more effectively.

What’s Wrong With Clutter?

Clutter distracts you. Even though it is just stuff, clutter crowds your mind with reminders to do something about it. Clutter creates that overwhelming and stressful feeling. It can also be dangerous. When piles of clutter spill over into walkways in your home it becomes a tripping hazard.

When Clutter Is A Problem, Where To Begin

You have two choices. You can begin with something easy or with the place in your home that bothers you the most. No matter where you decide to begin decluttering, always start small. By that I mean one drawer, one shelf, or one small pile. Give yourself success with something small and you’ll be able to do more.

If you have ADHD, don’t worry, I can help you too…

If you have ADHD, sitting down and sorting through a pile of clutter is probably the last thing on your list of things to do. I can help you stay focused while we sort through the pile together. We will talk through the decisions and together find homes for the things that need to go elsewhere that make sense to you and your ADHD brain.

How To Stop Hoarding

What often looks like hoarding may not actually be hoarding. A home can become filled with things because of a variety of things like life events, a lack of organizing skills, over-collecting, or a very busy life. Whatever the reason, you now have an abundance of things you don’t know what to do with. You want to organize but you have no space. You want to make decisions about what stays and what leaves your home but don’t know where to begin. It is overwhelming so you do nothing. Let’s work together so you no longer feel like you are living in a hoarded-up home.

How A Professional Organizer Can Help You Declutter Your Home

A professional organizer brings an objective point of view when they come to help you declutter your home. They can help you think through and make decisions about what to keep, where to keep it, and if you’re not keeping it what to do with it.

How Clutter Control Coaching Can Help You

As the only Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization in Georgia, I can help you identify what you need, use, and love in your home. We will work together to create organizing solutions that make sense to you and the way you live your life.

Declutter Services I Offer

  • Closet Organization
  • Garage Organization
  • Kitchen Organization
  • Laundry Room Organization
  • Small Spaces Organization
  • Bedroom Organization
  • Children’s Bedrooms and Toy Organization
  • Attic, Basement, and Storage Space Organization
  • Time Management & Productivity

Getting Started

It all starts with a discovery phone consultation which typically lasts about 30 minutes. We will talk about the challenges you are facing in your home, your reason for making a change now, and how you would like your home to look.

Then we will schedule a time to get started. A work appointment lasts a minimum of two hours and a maximum of four hours. 

Decision-making is hard work, so I limit the number of hours spent on organizing to a maximum of four hours.

Tip From Dolores The Busy Lady

Let’s say that every morning while the coffee is brewing, you take five minutes and tidy the family room. You bring any dishes, glasses, or trash left over from the day before to the kitchen. After breakfast, you do those dishes along with those from your breakfast. This is a simple way to do a little clutter control in those two rooms.

dolores the busy lady graphic
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