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Home Organization Services in Atlanta

Your home is the place you belong. Maybe you work from home. No matter what you do in your home it is the place where you can relax, unwind, and leave the cares of the world outside. Or can you?

What’s Going On Inside Your Home?

Has your home become a storage unit? Do you continually bring things in, forgetting to remove the things you no longer need or use?  Maybe things you intend to return, intend to fix, or intend to read pile up. 

How To Get Organized

All the literature says to pick one place to start and then to start small. In other words, first, decide which room or area is most important to you to organize. Then start sorting in just one spot.

Why Organizing Ideas Are Not Enough To Get The Job Done

It is easy to tell someone what to do to get organized. As I just said, all the best organizing books basically say the same thing. Start organizing in one place and start small. If talking or reading about it was enough, you would not be reading this page. Most people have more success when they work with a trained professional organizer.

This Is Especially True If You Have ADHD

When you have ADHD you tend to be distracted by the next good idea or creative thought. This tendency can leave multiple projects in various stages of completion scattered around the house. It also may mean that you’re less motivated to tackle a challenging, lengthy project around organizing your home. Procrastination is a common challenge clients share with me and when your clutter is addressed room by room, the project becomes more manageable over time.

How Home Organization Coaching Can Help You

As a trained Board-Certified Professional Organizer and an ADHD Organizing Specialist, I can help you maintain focus on one project at a time. If your attention wanders, I will gently refocus you on the task at hand so you reach your goals and feel positive about your progress.

When It Comes To Home Organizing, I Work With Clients On All Of The Following Areas In Their Home:

Closet Organization

Closets include linen closet, hall closet, bathroom, and bedroom closets. These spaces are intended to hold things we need and use. It’s important to remove things that you no longer need, use, or love to make room for those things that fit your current lifestyle.

Garage Organization

We will look at what you’re storing in your garage and organize it so that you not only know what’s there but will also be able to find it when you need it. Things that are typically stored in a garage are lawnmowers, gardening tools, bicycles, sports equipment & accessories, outdoor seasonal decorations, and cars.

Kitchen Organization

The kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s where everyone hangs out at a party and where most of us spend lots of time. Make this a place you want to be to provide meals and snacks for yourself and your family. Your pots, pans, cooking accessories, dishes, and cutlery all need to be easy to access.

Laundry Room Organization

The laundry room is often where cleaning supplies, household cleaning tools, and some useful tools like a screwdriver, hammer, and pliers are stored. Good organization in this room makes doing laundry easier and cleaning more efficient. We will organize the cupboards as well as use the wall space for hanging tools.

Small Spaces Organization

Small spaces tend to be magnets for clutter. That said, just because a space is small does not mean it can’t be well organized. We will make use of the entire space. Including vertical space on the wall and space under furniture (like the bed).

Bedroom Organization

Rest and relaxation are so important for good health. Organizing your bedroom so that there’s little or no clutter to distract you is one way to ensure that the bedroom provides a place for you to get that much-needed rest. For many people, one hidden reason for chronic insomnia is not having a comfortable place to rest. We can fix this together.

Children’s Bedrooms & Toy Organization

Children often come with far too many accessories and their bedrooms can become dumping grounds for everything they read, play with, or wear. Because of this, it’s wise to create distinct areas or zones in their room for toy storage, reading, playing, and sleeping. When everything has a place to belong, it’s easy for the children to clean up and put their toys away.

Attic, Basement & Storage Space Organization

Like children’s bedrooms, people place things in their attic or storage closet to get things out of the way. This can include everything from seasonal decorations to archival paperwork (like the supporting documents and tax files), suitcases and trunks, children’s accessories (crib/high chair, etc.), and clothing, just in case you have another child. It’s important to store things you know you use or need and equally important to release anything that does not support your lifestyle. This is something I can help you with.

Organizing Everything Else In Your Home

When your belongings are organized, everything has a place to belong. You know where to look to find your things. This gives you confidence and reduces stress and anxiety. There is no worry or stress about wondering where something might be, you know where to look and find it.

Home Organization in Atlanta

Work with me on home organization, so instead of feeling cluttered or overwhelmed, your home is your place of refuge. The place you want to be to rest, relax, and unwind – the place you want to be with your family.

Getting Started

It all starts with a discovery phone consultation which typically lasts about 30 minutes. We will talk about the challenges you are facing in your home, your reason for making a change now, and how you would like your home to look.

Then we will schedule a time to get started. A work appointment lasts a minimum of two hours and a maximum of four hours. 

Decision-making is hard work, so I limit the number of hours spent on organizing to a maximum of four hours.

Tip From Dolores The Busy Lady

When you take something out and use it, put it back where it belongs. Then you will always know where it is.

dolores the busy lady graphic
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