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Check out our books which target different organizing situations, challenges, and dilemmas. They will guide you on your journey to being more organized.

 If you (or someone you know) have a home that is over-full of stuff, we offer compassionate advice as well as tips to reduce the collection of things.  

If you’re in a new situation and wonder how to set up your home, we have everything from what you need to have all the way to recipes and strategies to clean your home without spending all day doing it. 

We even have sweet stories for the youngest among us to let them know how to pick up their room without a fuss.

filled up and overflowing book cover

Filled Up and Overflowing

What to do when life events, chronic disorganization, and hoarding go overboard.
By Diane N. Quintana and Jonda S. Beattie

Filled Up & Overflowing was written to help you and your family members, friends, and spouses find answers to questions and concerns about the safety and comfort of their loved one in their space.

Unlike other organizing books, this one is designed to support individuals who would prefer to work with professionals or loved ones who want to listen to them and discover their needs instead of overwhelming them with the process.

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now what book cover

Now What?

A Simple Organizing Guide
by Diane N. Quintana

You think you have things pretty well organized and then something happens which upsets the balance in your life. You think to yourself, Now What?

Now What? A Simple Organizing Guide provides straightforward practical organizing tips to help you regain that balance. This is your guide to setting up a home, creating and managing a budget, managing paperwork and time. It’s also a guide to the habits and routines that will help you maintain order in your busy life.

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from vision to victory book cover

From Vision To Victory

by Jonda S. Beattie

This is the organizational workbook to help organize any problem area in your home. By following the step-by-step procedures, you will pin down exactly what you want to change, develop a plan to help you make the change, and learn techniques to help you keep your new organization in place.

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benji's messy room book cover

Benji’s Messy Room

by Diane N. Quintana and Jonda S. Beattie

Benji is your average, active five-year-old little boy. He loves to play in his room. Sometimes his room turns into a real mess! Benji doesn’t know where to begin when his mother asks him to pick up his room. This teaches Benji how to get organized. Read to find out how Benji’s mother helps him accomplish this seemingly overwhelming task. The authors took some basic organizational strategies and applied them to the common task of picking up a room. Break projects down into small manageable steps: Sort like with like; Cull collections; Assign a place or a home for belongings; Reward for jobs completed.

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suzie's messy room book cover

Suzie’s Messy Room

by Diane N. Quintana and Jonda S. Beattie

Suzie is a typical, active five-year-old little girl. She loves playing with all her toys in her room and sometimes creates a real mess! When her mother asks her to pick up her room, Suzie is overwhelmed and doesn’t know how to begin. Suzie’s mother helps her complete the job by breaking the project into small tasks that Suzie is able to finish easily. Doing this teaches Suzie how to get organized. Basic principles of organizing are included in this story. Break projects down into small steps: Sort like with like; Cull collections; All belongings need a home; and Reward for completed tasks. See Suzie’s Messy Room video on the Storytime Pup Channel

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