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How to Organize Your Life Blog

Remembering & Giving Thanks For Our Frontline Warriors

By May 30, 2021June 5th, 202410 Comments

Today is Memorial Day. The day when we typically remember those who died while serving in any branch of the U.S. Military. This is an important distinction from Veteran’s Day when we celebrate all those frontline warriors who voluntarily participated in our armed services whether they died in battle or returned home safely.

A different battle

This year, we have been fighting a different sort of battle at home. Many of the warriors in this battle were not in the U.S. Military but they died serving this great country. These frontline warriors were medical professionals, grocery store personnel, truck drivers, bus drivers, and countless others who worked every day to make sure we had the things we need while others of us were quarantined at home.


I am not diminishing the sacrifice the brave men and women in our armed services have made by also recognizing those who so selflessly and bravely helped their fellow man at home. These people went to work and did their jobs despite the risk it posed to them. Many of whom lost their lives.

Give thanks

Let’s give thanks and remember them too. These brave frontline warriors who fought in a battle no one ever could have predicted and for which no one was prepared.

So, this is a somewhat somber day at its essence but a day where we can (this year) gather together and remember. I am remembering and giving thanks for those service men and women who bravely served in the U.S. Military and lost their lives. I am also giving thanks for those frontline warriors who did their jobs and lost their lives fighting the global pandemic. 

As I walk around the neighborhood with Miles and Josie, I see flags in front yards, flags draped from balconies, and tiny flags near mailboxes. We are celebrating and rightfully so. We have come through the other end of a dark and dreadful tunnel to see the light of day.

Diane N. Quintana is a Certified Professional Organizer® ,a Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization®, Master Trainer and owner of DNQ Solutions, LLC and co-owner of Release●Repurpose●Reorganize, LLC based in Atlanta, Georgia. Contact Diane at:


  • What a lovely post Diane. I thoughts about both of my sons on Memorials Day. They are both heroes. One is in the military and the other works in a doctor’s office. As you said, they both work to keep people safe and this last year was very trying for both of them.

  • Julie Bestry says:

    In this era where so much is politicized and divisive, you’ve identified something we can all get behind, not just on one day, but on all days. We can enjoy so much because of the sacrifices of others — on the battle fronts and on the home front — and the least we can do is observe and give testimony to all they’ve done (and lost). Thank you for the gracious reminder.

  • Lucy Kelly says:

    “who fought in a battle no one ever could have predicted and for which no one was prepared.” So true, Diane. None of us were prepared for what we’ve all been through these past covid times, and our front line workers have been amazing.

  • What a wonderful reflection.
    Thank you for sharing.

  • Seana Turner says:

    I just put my flag out (it has been raining so hard for two days that I waited). I completely agree. This year I think we can relate to the concept of “sacrifice for others” in a new way. I also am GRATEFUL for all who put the needs of others ahead of their own. This is a hard day for those who have lost a dear one who was serving. May our waving flags be a symbol of our gratitude!