Are you celebrating the 4th of July? There are lots of different ways to celebrate when we are gifted with a 4-day weekend. Some people will travel and spend the weekend with friends and/or family. Others will participate in local parades or celebrations. Then there are those who will enjoy a quiet weekend alone. I was talking with a friend recently she said her husband and son are going on a fishing trip this weekend. My friend went on to say that she is going to celebrate and enjoy the holiday weekend by doing things around the house that she cannot do when her husband and son are home. She is going to enjoy the holiday weekend by checking some things that she wants to do off her list.
How are you celebrating the 4th of July?
Here in Sandy Springs, Georgia there is going to be a big festival event at the City Springs in the center of town. There will be music, food trucks and, I imagine, lots of people. Knowing the area, I bet parking will be a challenge.
Information on the website asks people to come early, bring lawn chairs, and plan to stay awhile. The event starts in the late afternoon and ends with fireworks shortly after dark.
In the past
When we lived in Connecticut, we went to the festivities at the Belle Haven Club. There were games in the pool and on the beach for young children. Parents always stood around cheering their children on. In the late afternoon, families gathered at the waterfront for a wonderful cookout. There was also music and dancing. Fun was had by everyone – young and old.
We lived in Bangkok, Thailand for three years and had lots of fun celebrating the 4th of July at the International School Bangkok (ISB). At the time (late 1970s – early 1980s) there was still a military presence in Bangkok. One of the best parts of the 4th of July party was the military band which came to play and entertain us.
I was a first-grade teacher at ISB. My husband was there representing a U.S. bank. The American Embassy organized the party and held it at ISB because there was a large field at the school. Perfect for a large gathering. I don’t think there were fireworks to end the evening. Or, if there were, I don’t remember them. What I remember is being hot, tired, and happy listening to good music and helping the children enjoy the games.
Check your local paper
If you don’t know how you are going to be celebrating the 4th of July check your local paper for some inspiration.
You don’t have to go out and do anything. You can be home and tune into beautiful fireworks displays from New York and probably from other places, too.
Staying home?
If you are staying home and enjoying a day of peace and quiet take a minute and revisit a few hotspots.
Look at your bookcase. Are there any books stacked on the shelf waiting to be read? Decide if you’re going to read them. If you are not, put them in a donation box and plan a time to take them to a donation center.
Assess your closet? Are there some summer clothes in there that you have already decided you’re not going to wear this year? Remove them from your closet and add them to your donation box.
Is there a stack of paper beside your desk? Decide if they are waiting to be filed, shredded, or need some other action. Write your next step on the top of the page and then plan time (if not now) to follow through.
How’s your pantry? Are the shelves in a mess? Set a timer and reorganize the shelves.
Make good use of your day to do a couple little things which will free up space in your home.
I hope you take the opportunity to either celebrate solo or with friends. Have a very happy and safe 4th of July.
Diane N. Quintana is a Certified Professional Organizer® ,a Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization®, Master Trainer and owner of DNQ Solutions, LLC and co-owner of Release●Repurpose●Reorganize, LLC based in Atlanta, Georgia
I didn’t know you lived in CT! So fun to learn new things about each other. I think you were close by…
I celebrated with a fireworks dinner and celebration, and then by baking like a potato on the beach on Monday. It was heaven. I had an audiobook playing, but I kept dozing off, so I have to admit that I’ve got to go back and re-listen. But I figure that I was tired, so the sleep was a treat.
Felt so very lucky to have nice weather on the 4th. This so often doesn’t happen, but this year was a winner!
Given the current climate (both literal and political), I’m not feeling very inclined toward celebrating July 4th this year. I really appreciate the second half of your post for helping us identify practical ways to give *ourselves* freedom from things that are weighing us down.
And now I’m off to read ALL THE BOOKS! ;-)
Happy July 4th, Diane! I love the memories you shared about how you celebrated this day in the past. And thank you for reminding me that you lived in Thailand for three years! WOW! I forgot that part of your amazing history.
We’ve celebrated many ways from having casual gatherings with family and friends to going to see fireworks over the Hudson River to being in excitement and chaos of seeing fireworks in NYC. As a young kid, we used to go down the block to the local school and sit in the stands to watch a “tame” fireworks display at the football field. But we loved it.
This year, we’re having a quiet day and weekend- just me and Steve. It’s just what we need. We’ve done some planning, BBQing, walking in the woods, and dipping our feet in the Croton River. Today we’re going to explore in the area and visit a garden we’ve never been to.
Enjoy your 4th!